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Uncrewed Trans-Atlantic Survey (UTAS) Project
The Uncrewed Trans-Atlantic Survey project aimed to demonstrate the capabilities of current technologies to survey unexplored or to-date inadequately surveyed ocean frontiers. SEA-KIT collaborated with industry partners through the provision of its 12m SEA-KIT X class remotely-controlled USV (Uncrewed Surface Vessel), in a bid to prove true over-the-horizon survey capability. This project was co-funded by the European Space Agency under its Business Applications programme.
The technology
Most of the ocean floor remains unmapped due to the immense challenges and costs faced in trying to reach them.
Through the use of a remotely-controlled USV as a platform for other unmanned vehicles, such as AUVs (Autonomous Underwater Vehicles) and ROVs (Remotely Operated Vehicles), this mission demonstrated the ability to conduct remote survey operations as well as USV endurance and ocean-going capability.
SEA-KIT USVs are controlled from a remote operation centre and can switch between communication systems as required.

The application
Uncrewed vessels have beneficial applications in many maritime sectors, for example oil and gas, offshore renewable energy, security and surveillance, environmental survey, marine mammal observation, scientific research and for the ocean mapping community. Sector stakeholders need more cost-effective and environmentally-friendly alternatives to large vessels. For the scientific community, the right vessel can prove difficult to find and high costs are incurred for add-on operations.
In addition to reduced carbon emissions and reduced cost, the offshore renewables and oil and gas sectors are keen to find ways to reduce the number of personnel working offshore and improve safety. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of uncrewed vessels, both now and in the future, to ensure that vital operations can continue in a socially-distanced and controlled way, something that would be very challenging within the confines of a crewed vessel.

Project status
Following its departure from Plymouth in late July 2020, the SEA-KIT X USV spent 22 days completing offshore survey operations and returned to Plymouth on Friday 14 August 2020.
During this time the USV was remotely controlled around-the-clock from SEA-KIT's Remote Operation Centre in Essex, UK and completed the mapping of over 1000 sq km of ocean floor off the European continental shelf.
The project has proven the capabilities of SEA-KIT's USV design, namely long endurance, over-the-horizon capability and ocean-going ability. With its project partners SEA-KIT has also demonstrated the ability to conduct remote survey operations with safe control of the USV via satellite communications from anywhere in the world.
Read BBC coverage of the project and the official press release on our latest news page here.

Note: The initial project plan was changed due to COVID-19 restrictions on travel and logistics.
Project partners
SEA-KIT worked with several industry partners on the UTAS project, each with the collective aim to demonstrate how current technologies can help us complete the mapping of all ocean floors in the next ten years.

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