Render image of USV Maxlimer hydrogen fuel cell configuration

Render image of USV Maxlimer hydrogen fuel cell configuration

Render image of USV Maxlimer hydrogen fuel cell configuration

Render image of USV Maxlimer hydrogen fuel cell configuration
CMDC Project
SEA-KIT has secured funding via the Clean Maritime Demonstration Competition to install a PCB-based hydrogen fuel cell, engineered by Bramble Energy, on its USV ‘Maxlimer’ and demonstrate zero emission maritime operations.
The project, funded by the Department for Transport (DfT) and delivered in partnership with InnovateUK, will showcase a diesel to hydrogen conversion of SEA-KIT’s proven USV design and demonstrate a route to fulfilling the UK’s Clean Maritime Plan Strategy commitment of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from shipping by at least 50% by 2050.

SEA-KIT USVs have a dual diesel-electric hybrid drive, with propulsion coming from an electric motor powered by battery banks that are charged by in-situ diesel generators. This project will replace one of the diesel generators with new hydrogen fuel cell technology from Bramble Energy and demonstrate an offshore operation with zero carbon emissions. West Sussex-based Bramble Energy will design and manufacture a marinized, customised version of its printed circuit board fuel cell (PCBFC). The use of PCBs, as opposed to metallic or graphite end plates, makes the technology more suited to rugged, marine environments. Bramble Energy’s PCBFC system will sit inside an enclosure within the USV to prevent sea water ingress and corrosion.
Download a project summary here.